디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

오늘 내가 영어로 에세이 쓴거

냐옹이 2006.04.29 03:35:36
조회 193 추천 0 댓글 5

Second, I think it’s very important for wives to have an outside home job to keep their sociability. I heard that most of housewives have an experience of depression and considerable percentages of them have some serious problem of those doing all the household works and taking care of their kids all day, everyday all by her self. And that is a very natural result from my experience. Since I live by my self, I do the housework myself such as laundry, washing dishes, sweeping and all those things. Honestly, I like it. I don’t love it too much but it deserves to do it. However, if a couple of other people or my whole family put all those things on me, I would be depressed right away. If those problems persist years and years, one day, they could forget what they are used to be which was attractive to their husbands to marry them. Finally, as a wife work outside the home just like her husband does, the married couple can understand more each other. They spends day after day in similar circumstance of bosses, associates, works stresses, pleasure of weekend and etc. Thus they have more things to sympathy and the chemistries forms between husbands and wives. In explanation, I have seen many married partners that argue as if both of them have more fatigue than the other. Wives mostly claim that housework is more labor and husbands think that wife made a nonsense which seems like an over-blessed word. In those cases, the married partner could be troubled by a sense of alienation from each other. On the other hand, if both of them work outside the home and share the house works in moderation, they would rather try to understand their fatigues each other than arguing which of them are more labor than the other one. Thus they can make a good marriage relationship. In conclusion, I thought it would be more beneficial of dual-income family to fathers based on social and understanding reasons. All the benefits that fathers have from wives working outside the home that I have listed seems like benefits to the whole family or to the marriage relationship more than just to the father. But I wrote them because I figured the benefits or the happiness of the whole family consequently become the benefit to the father. Although, I have listed only good things in favor of wives work out side the home because I slightly more prefer duel-income family, I don’t think single-income, dual-income, these things really doesn’t matter to make a good family or to make a real benefit to father. The best important thing that I think to make the true benefit to father is to love wife, to love family. ---------------------- 원래 구성이 인트로덕선-요점1-요점2-요점3-끝맺음 인트로랑 요점1는 이메일에 저장되어잇는데 열리지가 않아서 ---;;

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