디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

셰익스피어 스타일로 라푼젤의 시놉시스를 써봄모바일에서 작성

ㅇㅇ(122.202) 2023.03.25 14:31:06
조회 118 추천 0 댓글 3

In fair Corona, whereof our tale unfolds,

A realm blessed by Sol's warm and golden hold,

A babe, Rapunzel, born with locks of gold,

Enchanteth a witch, who steals her for her own.
Within a tower, hidden from all sight,

The taken princess, locked away from light,

Her golden tresses long, a magic sprite,

Bestows the witch with youth that will not bite.
As seasons pass, Rapunzel's heart doth yearn,

To see the world beyond, her soul doth burn,

A charming rogue, Flynn Rider, scales the tower,

And with him brings a chance to seize the hour.
Together they embark on an adventure grand,

Through forests, waters, and Corona's land,

To witness glowing lanterns fill the night,

A yearly tribute to the lost princess' plight.
As secrets of the past begin to rise,

Flynn and Rapunzel's bond doth materialize,

The wicked witch, her scheme to keep control,

Now faces love that breaks her dark stronghold.
In battles fought with courage, heart, and wit,

Our heroes conquer darkness, bit by bit,

In true love's selfless act, Flynn doth succumb,

But the power of Rapunzel's tears, his life becomes.
Reunited with her parents, Rapunzel's heart doth swell,

In Corona's kingdom, peace and joy doth dwell,

The tale of love and light, in verses sung,

Shines brightly as the sun, forever young.

다른 스타일
In the fair realm of Corona, whereof our tale doth unfold,
A realm blest by Phoebus' golden rays, so warm and bold,
A babe, Rapunzel, with tresses of gold, doth captivate,
An enchantress, who hence taketh her for her own wicked fate.

Within a tow'r, sequester'd in the most secret of bowers,
The hapless damsel, imprison'd and hid from daylight hours,
Her flowing locks, with their magic sprite, do give,
The enchantress, a youth that shall not wane, as long as they live.

As time doth wear, Rapunzel's heart, for more doth yearn,
To see the world, and for the truth of her birthright, to learn,
A dashing knave, Flynn Rider, dost scale the tow'r wall,
And with him brings the chance, for freedom's sweet call.

Together they embark, on an adventure most grand,
Through forests, rivers, and Corona's fair land,
To witness lanterns, glowing as the stars in the night,
A yearly tribute, for their lost princess' plight.

As secrets of the past, doth rise from the shadowy pall,
Flynn and Rapunzel's bond, in love's embrace, doth fall,
The wicked enchantress, her scheme to maintain her hold,
Now faces a love, that breaketh her dark stronghold.

In battles fought, with bravery, true heart, and wit,
Our heroes conquer darkness, vanquishing it,
In true love's selfless act, Flynn doth to fate succumb,
But the power of Rapunzel's tears, his life, anew, becomes.

Reunited with her kin, Rapunzel's heart doth swell,
In the kingdom of Corona, peace and joy doth dwell,
The tale of love and light, in verses sung,
Shines brightly as the sun, in memory, forever young.

추천 비추천


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