디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

Little Red Riding Hood (빨간 망토) 모바일에서 작성

천재(220.77) 2024.04.16 16:57:44
조회 42 추천 0 댓글 0

Little Red Riding Hood (빨간 망토)

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Little Red Riding Hood who lived in a small village with her mother. One day, Little Red Riding Hood's mother asked her to take a basket of food and goodies to her grandmother who lived in a cottage on the other side of the woods.

Little Red Riding Hood set off on her journey, carrying the basket on her head. As she walked through the woods, she met a big bad wolf who asked her where she was going. Little Red Riding Hood, being a kind and trusting girl, told the wolf that she was going to her grandmother's house to deliver food.

The wolf then asked Little Red Riding Hood if she would like to pick some flowers for her grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood agreed, and the wolf ran off to grandmother's house.

When the wolf arrived at the grandmother's house, he knocked on the door and disguised his voice to sound like Little Red Riding Hood's. The grandmother, thinking it was her granddaughter, opened the door and the wolf immediately devoured her.

The wolf then put on the grandmother's nightgown and cap and got into bed, waiting for Little Red Riding Hood to arrive.

When Little Red Riding Hood finally arrived at her grandmother's house, she noticed that something was different. Her grandmother's voice sounded strange, her eyes were big and round, and her teeth were long and sharp.

Little Red Riding Hood asked her grandmother about her strange appearance, and the wolf, pretending to be the grandmother, replied that she was not feeling well.

Little Red Riding Hood then noticed that her grandmother's bed was very lumpy and bumpy. She asked her grandmother about it, and the wolf replied that she had a cold and her body ached.

Just then, the wolf realized that it was time to eat Little Red Riding Hood. He leaped out of bed and lunged at her.

Little Red Riding Hood screamed and the wolf chased her around the room. Just as the wolf was about to catch her, a woodcutter heard the commotion and rushed to the house.

The woodcutter saw the wolf through the window and burst through the door. He swung his axe at the wolf, killing him instantly.

Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother were overjoyed to be saved. They thanked the woodcutter for his bravery, and they all learned a valuable lesson about the dangers of talking to strangers and straying from the path.

The moral of the story is that children should always be obedient to their parents and never talk to strangers. They should also be careful when walking alone in the woods, as there may be dangerous animals lurking about.

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