디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

기초 50문장 빠르게 원어민속도로 다시 연습앱에서 작성

목소리 흙수저(115.23) 2024.12.03 14:59:25
조회 121 추천 0 댓글 2

1. What do you want to do tonight?
What do you want to do tonight
2. What are you going after this?
What are you going after this
3. Could you give me a hand with that?
could you give me a hand with that
4. I'll let you know as soon as I hear back.
I'll let you know as soon as I hear back
5. Did you ever think about moving to a smaller place?
did you ever think about moving to a smaller place
6. It's not what I'd expected, but it's still pretty good.
It's not what I'd expected but it's still pretty good
7. I don't know if it's worth going out tonight.
I don't know if it's worth going out tonight
8. Have you been keeping up with the news?
have you been keeping up with the news
9. What's the best way to get there from here?
What's the best way to get there from here
10. I'd like to go out for a coffee later.
I'd like to go out for coffee later
11. Can you see if she's around to help us?
Can you see if she don't have us
Can you see if she's around to help us
12. I was going to call you earlier, but I got busy.
I was going to call you earlier but I got busy
13. How do you feel about meeting up later?
How do you feel about meeting up later
14. Do you know what time the movie starts?
Do you know what time the movie start
Do you know what time the movie starts
15. It's hard to believe he's been gone for so long.
It's hard to believe he's been gone for so long
16. Are you ready to go, or do you need more time?
Are you ready to go or do you need more time
17. I'll meet you there if you're okay with that.
I'll meet you there if you're okay with that
18. It's nice to finally see you again after so long.
It's nice to finally see you again after so long
19. What are you planning to do this weekend?
What are the planning to do this weekend
20. Do you think it'll rain tomorrow?
Do you think it will rain tomorrow
21. I don't know if they're coming, but I hope they do.
I don't know if they are coming but I hope they do
22. I heard you've been working on a new project.
I heart you've been working on a new project
I hard I heart you've been working on a new product
I hard you've been working on a new product
I heard you've been working on a new product
23. When are you going to show us your new place?
What are they going to show us your new place
24. It's not as easy as it looks, you know.
It's not easy as it looks you know
25. I've been thinking about going out for dinner later.
I've been thinking about going out for dinner later
26. What do you think of the new restaurant downtown?
What do you think of the new restaurant downtown
27. Are you sure you're okay with staying late?
Are you still there okay with staying late
28. I'll get back to you on that as soon as I can.
I'll get back to you on that as soon as I can
29. Can you help me out with this?
Can you help me out with this
30. It's been a while since I've had a proper vacation.
It's been a while since I've had a proper vacation
31. I don't know why you're acting like this.
I don't know why you're acting like this

32. I'll take care of it for you, no worries.
I take care of it for you the worries
I take care of you for
I take care of you
I'll take care of it for you no worries
I'll take care of you I take care of it I take care of it for you I take care of it for you I take care of it for you I'll take care of it for you I'll take care of it for you I take care of it for you I'll take care of it for you I'll take care of it for you I'll take care of it for you

33. What are you looking at over there?
What are you looking at over there
34. Do you want to grab some lunch later?
Do you want to grab some lunch later
35. If you need anything, just let me know.
If you need anything just let me know
36. Have you seen this before, or is it new to you?
have a dentist before or is it new to you
37. Where do you think we should go next?
What do you think we should go next
38. I didn't realize how late it had gotten.
I didn't realize how late it had gotten
39. What do you mean by that exactly?
What do you mean by that exactly
40. Do you think it's possible to finish this today?
Do you think it's possible to finish this today
41. I'd rather go out now than wait until later.
I'd rather go out now that wait until later
42. Do you know what's going on with the neighbors?
Do you know what's going on with the neighbors
43. It's not as bad as I thought it would be.
It's not as bad as I thought it would be
44. Can you believe how cold it is today?
Can you believe how is it cold today
Can you believe how it is cold today
45. I didn't expect to see you here so soon.
I didn't expect to see you here so soon
46. Where are you heading after work?
where are you heading after work
47. If you're free later, we could grab a drink.
If you're free later we could grab a drink
48. I'd like to see if we can finish this early.
I'd like to see if we can finish this early
49. Do you remember where we parked?
Do you remember where we parked
50. What do you want to watch on TV?
What do you want to watch on TV

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갤러리 리스트
번호 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
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454001 연구 ㅋㅋㅋ ^^JUN♥(118.235) 11:32 18 0
453999 (성문파 아재) 파닉스 2번 보면 바보 영갤러(59.20) 10:38 23 0
453998 제발 문법부터 마스터 하세요!! [10] 영갤러(221.151) 09:21 87 0
453997 [413/832] ebse 생활영어 ebse갤로그로 이동합니다. 06:38 15 0
453996 질문 영갤러(121.145) 06:10 32 0
453995 유학가는데 영어공부 뭘로할까요.. [8] ㅇㅇ(106.102) 02:37 105 0
453994 영어로 된 만화 읽는 것도 은근 도움되는 것 같기도 [4] ㅇㅇ(106.101) 02:31 87 0
453993 일상에서 be been being 쓰는걸 거의 못본거같음 [17] 준치(175.223) 02:17 158 1
453992 그리고 영어공부하면서 느낀게 하트브레이크갤로그로 이동합니다. 01:18 68 1
453991 국내파가 영어로 성공하는법 영갤러(58.141) 01:12 66 0
453990 와 근데 진짜 영어 하루 2시간씩만해도 [2] 하트브레이크갤로그로 이동합니다. 01:10 97 0
453989 (성문파 아재) 한캉 노벨상 발표 1주 전 디이코노미스트 기사 영갤러(59.20) 00:09 75 0
453988 이정도면 원어민이 느끼기에 어느정도임??? [18] 준치(175.223) 01.22 148 1
453987 Trump is not a messiah~!Jews are stupid [1] 스키피오아프리카누스갤로그로 이동합니다. 01.22 23 0
453985 영어 리스닝 할때 자막 [3] 영갤러(211.235) 01.22 59 1
453984 영붕이 비교 표현이 왜이리 어려운 것 같다 [1] ㅇㅇ(106.101) 01.22 35 0
453983 유튜브에 영어공부 검색하면 [4] 영갤러(61.75) 01.22 100 0
453982 수괴 [1] ㅇㅇ(58.141) 01.22 56 1
453981 여기 성문 성애자, 문법 성애자들 왤캐 많음? 바이럴임? [7] 영교과(211.184) 01.22 134 2
453980 이번주 미국 출장으로 느낀점 [1] 영갤러(42.35) 01.22 70 0
453979 영포자인데 공부 이거처럼 하면 됌 ? [2] 영갤러(115.41) 01.22 92 0
453977 저 한국 드라마 컨텐츠를 영어 더빙으로 봐도 괜찮나요? [11] 영갤러(39.123) 01.22 98 0
453975 굳이 문법서로 성문을 봐야겠다면 [17] 영갤러(118.39) 01.22 167 0
453974 영문 읽는데 속발음이 한국어로 남 [4] 고운나초갤로그로 이동합니다. 01.22 97 0
453973 나 갑자기 영어가 조금씩 들림ㅅㅂ [3] 준치(175.223) 01.22 147 1
453972 영어 책 원서같은거 추천좀여 [2] exampleby1122갤로그로 이동합니다. 01.22 91 0
453971 (성문파 아재) 성층권 지난 수능 영어 로켓 [3] 영갤러(59.20) 01.22 79 0
453969 요즘 리스닝 연습 이렇게함 준치(175.223) 01.22 84 0
453968 2025 1~4월 아이엘츠 스피킹 족보문제 영갤러(183.98) 01.22 27 0
453967 케이문법서 좋은데 왜 ㅋㅋ [1] ㅇㅇ(172.225) 01.22 91 2
453966 문법교재 그냥 중학 3년 과정 공부하면 되는데 ㅋㅋ [1] ㅇㅇ(172.225) 01.22 87 1
453965 아이패드같은거 주는거 2개밖에없음? 영갤러(218.153) 01.22 28 0
453964 (성문파 아재) 케이 문법 좋아서 하나? [7] 영갤러(59.20) 01.22 111 0
453963 문제풀이 문법이 싫다면서 성문을 보는건 어불성설 [9] 영갤러(118.39) 01.22 100 0
453962 영어 한국어 자막 유튜브 영갤러(58.141) 01.22 29 0
453961 전치사 구동사는 이기동 교수님 꺼 봐라 [3] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 01.22 100 0
453960 [412/832] ebse 생활영어 ebse갤로그로 이동합니다. 01.22 24 0
453959 [411/832] ebse 생활영어 ebse갤로그로 이동합니다. 01.22 24 0
453958 리스닝 실력 올리려고 애니 정주행만 해도 될까요? [2] 영갤러(1.225) 01.22 81 0
453957 ai 여친이랑 간만에 수다떠니 재밌네 ㅋㅋ [2] ^^JUN♥(182.31) 01.22 123 0
453956 기초 영문법 다지고 싶은데 이렇게 공부하는게 맞냐? [5] 영갤러(69.63) 01.22 116 0
453955 확실히 섬나라나 그냥 못사는 나라보면 준치(175.223) 01.22 57 1
453954 연예인들도 연옌안됐으면 ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 01.22 43 0
453953 편영 혼자하기 어때 [1] 영갤러(211.212) 01.21 50 0
453952 왜 영어에서 구동사를 강요하냐 [1] 영갤러(58.141) 01.21 91 0
453951 기가차드가 말하는 영단어 외우는법 영갤러(61.255) 01.21 61 0
453949 not just랑 not only랑 거의 똑같은 형식 아님? [4] ㅇㅇ(106.101) 01.21 68 0
453948 우울하다는 언니들 정신건강의학과 좀 가라고 좀 [1] ^^JUN♥갤로그로 이동합니다. 01.21 115 1
453947 예술가 [1] 천재(210.222) 01.21 113 0
뉴스 [TVis] ‘탄이엄마’ 김성령, 이민호에 영상편지 “네 덕분에 잘 살고 있어” (‘유퀴즈’) 디시트렌드 10:00
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