디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

나 솔까 외교부에서 일하는데 오늘 급한 이멜이 왔네...

공무원(222.237) 2010.12.28 16:14:16
조회 164 추천 0 댓글 3

이 일을 어쩌면 좋을까 ............

Dear Sir,
First, I must apologize to you for using this medium to communicate to you about this project.

I am a highly placed official of Government of Nigeria and also a founding member of the ruling party in Power now, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

I am member of the contract review committee of the Nigerian national petroleum co-operation which is in charge of managing and supervising the disbursement of oil sales revenues for the Nigerian government which covers payment to foreign and local contractors who has executed contracts for our country. The revenue under our control runs into several hundred of millions of dollars monthly. My self and other colleagues in the (NNPC) are currently in need of a foreign partner with whose bank account we shall transfer the sum of eleven million United States dollars United States Dollars ($11m).

In the year 2004 the federal government of Nigeria through the ministry of finance awarded contracts estimated to the tune of seventeen million united states dollars while My self and other colleagues in the (NNPC) submitted  receipt for the tune of $28 million we over increase or inflate the amount to twenty eight  million united states dollars) to the Nigerian National Petroleum Co-operation (NNPC) as a joint venture with a foreign partner, Alveco oil of which the said contract have been implemented and carried out with a total amount of ($17 million) seventeen million united states dollars) leaving behind the balance of ($11 million)eleven million united states dollars) the excess contract funds of $11M  have already been credited or deposited in a security account here in Nigeria without a beneficiary name Anonymous), to avoid trace.

However, to make fortune out of this opportunity, we can not be directly connected to this money, because i am still in the service working by virtue of our position as civil servants and members of the (NNPC), we cannot acquire this fund in our name. This is because as top civil servants, we are not allowed by law of the land to own or operate foreign bank accounts outside our country for now.

And there is the need to transfer this fund to a reliable account. It is therefore on this note that i have been delegated as a matter of trust by my colleagues, to look for an overseas partner in whose account we would transfer the fund hence the reason for this mail. i will want to front you to this business you will stand as the contractor/sub-contractor of the project We shall be Transferring the money to your account with your company as the beneficiary and you are been paid for a contract which you executed for our country through the (NNPC) and any other Federal Ministry that we decide to use to siphon the funds through into your account.

Firstly, our conviction of your transparency. Secondly, that you treat this transaction with utmost secrecy and confidentiality.

Finally and above all, that you will provide an account that you have absolute control over.
Note that we have concluded arrangements for the release of the aforementioned sum to your bank within the shortest possible time as soon as we conclude talks as we have put in place perfect machineries that will ensure a hitch free transfer into your account upon acceptance, my colleagues and myself have made arrangements as to how the eleven million united states dollars) will be shared; (25%)twenty five percent for you, (65%)sixty five percent for us,(10%) ten percent for miscellaneous expenses. should you be interested please endeavor to send me your tel/fax number to my personal e- mail address; whether or not this offer is acceptable to you, so as to enable us make other alternative contact on the contrary.

Finally, let me state here that this transaction will take (10-14) working days to conclude depending on your quick response, and it is legitimate and there is no risk or legal disadvantages either to ourselves or yourself now or in the future you are to treat with utmost confidentiality.
I await your urgent reply on this transaction while you acknowledge your receipt upon this letter
Best regard
Bello Kareem

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