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HPE6-A73 Dumps Updated 2023

passcert(65.75) 2023.06.06 11:58:48
조회 102 추천 0 댓글 0

Passing the HPE6-A73 exam can be challenging, but the Aruba Certified Switching Professional (HPE6-A73) Dumps from Passcert can help candidates understand the exam pattern and types of questions asked in the exam. Passcert provides accurate and updated Aruba Certified Switching Professional (HPE6-A73) Dumps, based on real exam questions. The Aruba Certified Switching Professional (HPE6-A73) Dumps are regularly updated to reflect the latest exam pattern and changes in the exam objectives. Using the Aruba Certified Switching Professional (HPE6-A73) Dumps from Passcert can increase your chances of passing the exam on the first attempt and advancing your career in networking.
Aruba Certified Switching Professional (HPE6-A73) Dumps Updated 2023

HPE6-A73 Exam Details and Objectives

The HPE6-A73 exam tests the skills necessary to implement and operate enterprise-level Aruba campus switching solutions. It tests skills of configuring and managing modern, open standards-based networking solutions using ArubaOS-CX routing and switching technologies in medium to large enterprise network solutions. The exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions and lasts for 90 minutes. The passing score is 71%. This exam validates that you can:

15% Plan the wired network solution.

Given a scenario with a design and/or customer requirements, determine an appropriate implementation plan.

43% Install and configure the wired network solution.

Install and Configure NetEdit
Given an implementation plan, explain how to physically configure the switches.
Given the implementation plan, explain how to configure Layer 2 technologies.
Given an implementation plan, explain how to configure and validate Layer 3 interfaces, services, routing protocols and overlays.
Explain multicast features and configuration concepts.
Explain Aruba Switch security features and configuration concepts.
Explain QoS Aruba Switch features and configuration concepts. 
Explain Aruba solutions integration and configuration concepts. 

22% Troubleshoot the wired network solution.

Given a scenario, identify a network failure (IP mismatch, VLAN mismatch, hardware configuration or failure, port configuration).
Given an action plan to remediate an issue, determine the implications to the network state. 
Given a scenario, determine the cause of the performance problem (QoS issue, Configuration issue HW and Software, end node).

20% Manage, maintain, optimize, and monitor the wired network solution.

Given a scenario, determine a strategy to implement configuration management (maintenance, auditing, backup, archiving).
Analyze data that represents the operational state of a network and determine the appropriate action.

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