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English Slang

EnglishBro(76.21) 2022.09.06 03:01:34
조회 357 추천 1 댓글 2

Yo guys,

I'm not even Korean but I see you guys are trying to learn English. I'm from America, so here's some slang you might hear in America (probably in comment sections too if you frequent on YouTube).

(Ex is short for example)

====Street slang/acronyms=====

No cap => Not lying 

Ex: Bro I didn't steal your car, no cap

Fr => Short for "For real"

Ex: Man you fr on smth

Smth => Short for "Something"

Ex. You got a problem with me or smth?

Prolly => Short for "Probably"

Ex. You prolly went to go and get smth without the boys

The boys => Term for boy friend group/gang

Ex. You gotta hang out with the boys man

Opp => Short for a Cop

Ex. Man we got the opps on us!

Fam ==> Short for family; you would usually use this with friends though, NOT your direct family. Similar to "the boys".

Ex. Man my fam out here bruh don't you be doin nun of dat.

Dat ==> Another spelling for the word "that"

Ex. Dat was CRAZYY!!!

Wyd ==> Short for "What you doing?" (we drop the verb "are" because we're lazy).

Ex. Wyd rn??

Rn ==> Short for "right now".

Ex. Rn I'm just chilling.

Wit ==> Short for "with" (I know it's not even that much shorter, but this is used usually in conversation rather than text)

Ex. I'm wit my homies rn.

Whatchu ==> Short for "What you"

Ex. Whatchu doin?

Wym ==> Short for "What (do) you mean?" (we drop the irregular verb "do" cause again, we lazy)

Ex. Wym? I thought you was out with your fam?

Alr ==> Short for "Alright" OR "Already". Depends on context.

Ex 1. Alr (alright), I'm gonna go then

Ex 2. Bro I alr (already) told you, I'm not stayin!

Mb ==> Short for "My bad"

Ex. Mbmbmb (my bad my bad my bad) I was just out with them.

Ig ==> Short for "I guess" or "Instagram". Depends on context.

Ex 1: Ig (i guess) we could do the shop then

Ex 2: Yo can you give me your ig (Instagram)?

Tmr ==> Short for "Tomorrow"

Ex. I'm going to go to the gym tmrw.

Imma ==> Short for "I'm going to"

Ex. Imma go to the gym tmrw.

Ik ==> Short for "I know"

Ex. Ik about it alr (this is short for "Already" in this context)

Cuz ==> Short for "Because" OR a term meaning a person. Depends on context.

Ex 1. It's cuz (because) you keep complaining about it alr (already)!

Ex 2. Man you good cuz? (Person in this context)

rq ==> Short for "Real Quick"

Ex. Imma go to the store rq.

Lemme ==> "Short for Let me"

Ex. Lemme go too 

Dip ==> Term for "Leave" or "Escape"

Ex. Imma dip from this party bruh

Wack ==> General term for something bad. Implied meaning d epends on context.

Ex. Bro this car is so wack it doesn't eve n start (in this context it means the car is trash)

Ofc ==> Short for "Of course"

Ex. Ofc this car is wack, it literally costs you 2 dollars.

idrc/idc ==> Short for "I don't really care" or "I don't care". Idrc is more polite while Idc comes off as more angry.

Ex 1. Idrc about the food, get me anything (in this context, the person isn't mad)

Ex 2. Dude idc about the food, just get me something already. (In this context, the person seems impatient)

Tho ==> Short for the word "Though"

Ex. Tho tbh I don't really like that person.

Tbh ==> Short for "To Be Honest"

Ex. Tbh that exam was pretty wack

Ikr ==> Short for "I know right"

Ex. Ikr??? That exam was garbage.

Wya ==> Short for "Where you at?"

Ex. Wya rn?? I'm tryna go to your place.

Tryna ==> Short for "Trying to"

Ex. Man I'm tryna take a flight to Korea but dem flights always sold out

Dem ==> Short for "Them"

Ex. Dem dudes be so muscular bruh

Ong ==> Short for "On god". Similar to No Cap

Ex. Ong I didn't steal nothing!

Crib ==> Term meaning "House"

Ex. You got a nice crib.

Kicks ==> Term meaning "Shoes"

Ex. Mans got the kicks from ShoePalace.

Fire ==> Term meaning "Good" or "Cool"

Ex. Bro dem kicks be fire!!!!

ic ==> Short for "I see".

Ex. ic, so you tryna pull up?

====Grammar and Structure slang=====

Double negatives

Usually found in southern American speech, double negative sentences are sentences that contain TWO negatives. 

Ex. That car ain't worth nothing.

"Ain't" and "Nothing" are both negative words. In "correct" English, it would be:

Ex. That car is worth nothing.

"Is" makes the sentence affirmative, that the car IS worth nothing.

However, a lot of dialects like to use double negatives. Here's more examples:

Ex 1. I can't get nothing up in this place

Ex 2. I ain't got no money bruh

Ex 3. I didn't see nothing

Verb Removal

As explained before, lot's of dialects remove verbs like "is" and "are" to shorten speech. 

Ex. Boy you a plumber not no engineer!

(Notice the double negative too?)

In correct English, it would be:

Ex. Boy, you are a plumber not an engineer!


Here is every slang combined into one sentence:

No cap ong ong istg I didn't do no stealin frfr you prolly was on smth wit the boys bro better be dustin before dat opp pulls up to yo crib imma call up my shawty rq tho mbmb i alr know this be wack tbh idrc tho cuz im tryna pull up to her crib ong ong dem kicks be p neat but hol up she gon ask so many q like thats an L not taking no Ws today ic ic

Nobody speaks like that ^^ by the way....

Now, peace my Korean brothas and sistas! Until next time....

추천 비추천


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