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asian girls who think they are white OK

ㅇㅇ(121.135) 2009.11.26 23:00:39
조회 350 추천 0 댓글 36

asian girls who think they are white 
OK, last week I met a Korean girl who was born in Korea but adopted by a Western family when she was a little baby. She doesn\'t speak Korean, only English and that\'s OK, just because you\'re asian doesn\'t mean you should speak the language of your biological parents right? Anyway, I asked if she felt any affinity with the asian/ Korean culture and she bluntly responded: I don\'t think I\'m really asian, because I\'m pretty tall (1.65) and I don\'t really have slanty eyes. My response was: but you look very much asian to me. She then said with a happy voice: Maybe I\'m half white. I was thinking: girl, you HOPE you\'re white. Rolling Eyes 

She also wasn\'t very positive about asian men in general. Though she does date an asian dude, who looks more like the Filipino Ashton Kutcher. 

I was surprised and disappointed in her really, because I like asian girls in general. If I have to choose between a white girl and an asian girl, I\'d go for the latter. I expect asian girls to have certain asian morals, asian aspects, dignity and pride in their heritage, in other words: being asian attracts me. However, why pick a whitewashed asian girl who is in denial over her heritage? Why hate your heritage? You can better pick a caucacian girl IMO, at least they\'re being honest with her heritage. 

In some way recognizing and accepting you\'re asian when you look asian will also help protecting yourself against racial prejudices. We live in a world based on appearances, unfortunately racial prejudices will happen. I think whitewashed asian girls will have problems countering them. How will they response when, for example, a co-worker makes fun of them by imitating weird asian sounds??? By saying: shut it, I\'m white? 
That won\'t do. 

I also find it strange that especially asian girls can be swayed very easily by the "darkside". I don\'t know the reason(s), though I have theories for this (these are theories, so nothing is). 

- Girls in general are more fickle and outgoing. Therefore, asian girls are accepting the western culture faster. 
- Asian girls are easily affecting by western trends and it won\'t help if they read Cosmopolitan and are brainwashed that caucasian men and female are today\'s hallmarks of beauty. 
- In comparison to (asian) men, (asian) girls have less problems finding a partner. Even when (asian) girls are average looking, they have still many admirers, cos we guys think with our pecker unfortunately. As a result, among the admirers; asians and white, girls will pick the most handsome, funniest whatever guy and 9 out of 10 that guy is caucasian. Not to mention the asian female fetish among caucasian men that contribute the illusion that asian girls are more desirable and special than any other girl from other races. Asian girls think the caucasian guy has fallen for their whitewashed personalities (which will strenghten their assumption being whitewashed is a good thing) in reality those guys are more interested in their asian/ kawaii! Rolling Eyes look. 

One more thing, why are there asian girls who like to talk shite about asian men? 

I understand physical preferences and that\'s not bad and all, but those girls are spouting total nonsense and it\'s borderline racist. Do they even look in the mirror? 

Maybe I\'m a thick and old fashioned cunt (though I\'m born in the 90\'s) and shouldn\'t see asians people as masses "belonging" to the asian culture anymore, but more like individuals. Still, this issue bugs me and I want your opinions of this matter. Maybe even share your experiences. 

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