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갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

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먹는거에 집착하는 부자는 없습니다만ㅋㅋㅋ

Stoic갤로그로 이동합니다. 2024.05.21 00:19:54
조회 287 추천 5 댓글 7

식욕이란 거 자체가 반은 생물학적 요인 반은 심리학적 요인이거든욬ㅋㅋㅋ

진짜 배가 고파서가 아니라 불안감 때문에 먹는 겁니다

무슨 불안감이냐?

미래에 이 음식을 먹지 못할수도 있다라는 불안감이죸ㅋㅋㅋ

그 미래란게 당장 오늘저녁일수도 있고 내일일수도 있고 다음주일수도 있고 내년 혹은 10년뒤일수도 있지만요...

현재 내가 누리고 있는 것을 앞으로는 누리지 못할 가능성이 있다고 생각하면

인간은 먹는 것에 집착을 하게 됩니다만ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

이게 사실 인간만 그런게 아니고 겨울잠을 자는 곰이나 다람쥐 등등 여러 동물들에게서 발견되는 현상인데욬ㅋㅋ

게다가 이 심리학적 요인은 실제 생물학적 현상과도 상호작용이 되면서

실제로 미래에 대한 불안감이 심리학적으로 식욕을 증가시켜서 과잉섭취된 영양분을 더욱 적극적으로 피하지방에 저장하게 되는

일련의 메카니즘이 존재하는 부분이죸ㅋㅋ

그러니까 음식에 과도하게 집착한다는 것은 내 미래가 지금 현재보다 암울해질 것이라는 무의식적인 불안감이 행동으로 표출된 결과라고 보시면 됩니다만ㅋㅋ

The theory that anxiety about future food availability can increase present appetite and lead to the storage of excess nutrients has roots in several interconnected psychological and biological concepts. Here is a detailed theoretical background:

Psychological Theories

  1. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Maslow's theory suggests that physiological needs, such as food, are foundational. When individuals perceive a threat to these basic needs, such as potential future food scarcity, anxiety can arise. This anxiety might drive an increased focus on fulfilling these needs preemptively.

  2. Evolutionary Psychology: From an evolutionary perspective, humans and animals are hardwired to respond to potential future scarcities. In the ancestral environment, food availability was unpredictable. Therefore, individuals who consumed more when food was available had a survival advantage. This trait would be passed down, explaining why modern humans might overeat in response to anxiety about future food scarcity.

  3. Behavioral Psychology: Classical and operant conditioning suggest that if past experiences have associated anxiety with food scarcity, current experiences of anxiety can trigger a conditioned response of increased eating. This response is a learned behavior aimed at reducing discomfort.

Biological Theories

  1. Homeostasis and Allostasis: The body strives to maintain a stable internal environment (homeostasis). When anxiety is perceived, the body may anticipate a disruption in homeostasis (e.g., food shortage). Allostasis refers to the process of achieving stability through physiological or behavioral change, such as increasing food intake to prepare for future scarcity.

  2. Stress Response and Hormonal Regulation: The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis plays a crucial role in the stress response. Anxiety activates the HPA axis, leading to the release of cortisol, a hormone that can increase appetite, particularly for high-calorie foods. Chronic stress and anxiety can thus promote weight gain and fat storage.

  3. Neurobiology of Reward: Anxiety and stress can influence the brain's reward system, particularly the release of dopamine. Eating, especially high-calorie foods, can provide a temporary increase in dopamine levels, which might help to alleviate anxiety. This creates a feedback loop where anxiety leads to eating, which temporarily reduces anxiety but can reinforce overeating behavior.

Comparative Animal Behavior

  1. Seasonal and Environmental Adaptations: Many animals exhibit behaviors that parallel this theory. Bears and squirrels, for example, increase their food intake and store fat in anticipation of winter when food is scarce. This behavior is driven by biological rhythms and environmental cues, ensuring survival during periods of scarcity.

Interaction Between Psychological and Biological Factors

  1. Psychoneuroimmunology: This field studies the interaction between psychological processes, the nervous system, and the immune system. Anxiety can influence the body’s physiological responses, including appetite and fat storage. For instance, chronic anxiety can alter immune function and metabolic processes, leading to increased fat storage.

  2. Mind-Body Connection: The brain and body are in constant communication. Psychological states such as anxiety can trigger physical responses. The perception of potential future food scarcity can lead to a psychological state that drives biological changes, such as increased appetite and fat storage, to prepare for the anticipated scarcity.

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