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비자가 망가진 이유는 롯테때문임앱에서 작성

ㅇㅇ(118.235) 2023.03.29 13:20:47
조회 104 추천 0 댓글 0

Visa is is a clan that claims to be a free clan war that anyone can participate in, so it may not be as professional as NARAI or other clans, but I think it is attractive that it is easy to access and comfortably enter the clan war.

For example, after clearing ranked battles and daily quests, you would want to see the amount of steel required to buy a steel ship in the arsenal and the remaining coupons, and see the data that organizes the recommended steel ships and coal ships. There must be a lot of Gallaghers who thought they would like to know what ship they need. At that time, is there a clan that can easily mine steel? If you want to mine steel in a large clan like NARAI or KOREA, or a Naver cafe clan like navy or dog, will the clan war Tio come out right away? Of course, the more skilled clans will have an easier time mining steel. But what are your chances of mining as much steel as you want there? In particular, KOREA aims for a skillful clan war, so most newbies or tteokbokki cannot participate, and it will take a long time for NARAI to recognize their skills. Fortunately, even if you enter the Clan Wars position, you are destined to be replaced after playing a few games due to lack of basic skills.

However, in the case of Visa, it is systematized so that you can easily enter a clan and see most of the information you want to see, such as ships to be pulled, captain skill settings, and other tips and tricks, just by saying that you are participating in a clan war. Just because it's a clan with such a structure, I think it must exist for those who want to see the growth of various newbies. Of course, there are many detailed problems and things to be improved, but we should try to change them gradually.

I only gave an example of a clan war, but in the case of your Warship Gallery, most of the contents about World of Warship are not systematically organized, so there is no system itself that is designed for beginners to refer to comfortably.

Visa, in particular, is famous for its system of systematically educating newbies, and even you antis acknowledged it.

Of course, it may be unsatisfactory for ship gallers with professional clan knowledge, but you guys can help with that. In fact, there are many cases where large clan members help out in clan wars as visa mercenaries.

Regarding random battles, mysterious love, and disgusting otaku, I have a lot of complaints, and it's a problem that Visa has also acknowledged. If you don't want to see it too much, please educate me on this part as before.

There are several problems mentioned above, but we have to improve ourselves. It seems wrong to be ridiculed as a small clan and denied the existence itself, and we will continue to fight to change the perception of such people.

I won't tell you guys who are already anti-visa not to curse at the visa. However, let's not lash out in front of newbies who might have been helped with the visa.

three line summary

1. Visa is one of the few clans where you can easily access and enter Clan Wars.
2. Of course, there are many problems with visas, but these are problems that need to be improved on their own.
3. That's why let's not mock or deny the existence of visa.

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