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AP)8월20일 게임스컴 2016 질답앱에서 작성

guillotine갤로그로 이동합니다. 2016.08.21 01:08:23
조회 505 추천 6 댓글 12

WoWS: Gamescom 2016 Q&A
Posted by Sebastianul

All questions have been answered by Philip Molodkovets: supertest manager from Saint Petersburg, Russia. If you want to fill your boots with more World of Warships intel then make sure to check out an interview with Global Publishing Producer of World of Warships, Artur Plociennik, that’s taking place at gamescom!

모든 질답은 본사 슈퍼테스터 매니저가 해줬음.좀 더 알고싶으면 독일에 열리는 게임스컴 워게이밍 부스로 찾아가세양!

We start off with a hot topic question right off the bat, asked by HMS_H00D, and you can already guess what it is…

Q: When is the first line of British ships coming to the game?
Q.홍차해군 첫트리 언제 나오는가?

A: We are planning to launch it this year. More information will be shared at gamescom 2016 in Cologne, Germany.

A.올해 나온다.좀더 알고싶다면 게임스컴16 워게이밍 부스에서 알수 있을것.

TheLordFlash is following up with an even more pressing question, but will the devs be able to talk about it just yet?

Q: What nations/ships can we expect in the coming year in World of Warships?
내년에 나올 트리에 대해 이야기 할 수 있나?
A: This is subject to separate announcements – keep your eyes on the Portal and our Forums!
A.포럼이나 공홈에서 언젠간 나오니 지켜 볼 것.

MrFingers asks:
미스터 핑거스 질문

Q: How do you decide which ship is a viable tech-tree ship, which isn’t, and which can become a Premium Ship?

Q.골쉽을 낼때 결정되는 요소 같은게 있나?

A: We try to compose the tech trees in logical way, in order to create a historical and balanced in-game progression system. As for Premiums, we love the idea of famous ships with some history or some unusual ships with special gameplay traits. In general, however, there are no strict rules.

Q.우리는 역사(쑺)적이고 균형(쑺)적인 트리 구축을 위해서 논리(쑺)적인 방법으로 트리를 만들려고 노력(쑺)한다.골쉽 같은 경우,역사적으로 유명하거나 특별한 겜 플레이특성을 가진 배들로 채우려고 한다.하지만 딱히 엄격한 규칙같은건 없다.

Player modeste poses a question few dare to ask nowadays…

Q: Submarines are missing in the game to create naval formations. They could be useful when we capture an area because they could launch torpedoes. Are we getting submarines?

Q.해전 게임 구조상 잠수함이 없다.그게 캡하거나 어뢰뿌리기 유용했을거다. 우리가 잠수함을 보는 날이 오는가?

A: Well, there are no plans for subs now. Things could change, theoretically, but we are quite busy with the classes we already have in the game now.
A.글쎄,아직 계획은 없다.뭐 나중에 바뀔 수는 있지만 지금 우린 지금 트리 내는게 바쁘다.

t0ffik1 wonders about the balancing of the game.

Q: What are the Devs plans to balance Tier X?
Q. 제작진은 10티어 밸런스 계획이 있나?

A: The same process we do for any other Tier: to monitor server stats and feedback and to make changes when needed.
A.다른 티어처럼 통계랑 피드백받고 필요하면 한다.

Danziger_ asks about a planned feature.

Q: When will clans be introduced to WoWS?
Q.워쉽 클랜은 언제 나올건가?

A: We’re working on it. We definitely want to do this, but currently it’s not possible to state the date or version when this particular feature will appear.

A.작업중이다.우리도 정말 냈으면 좋겠는데 지금 상황에서 언제,어느 버전때 나올지는 말해주기가 어렵다.

ROCKSTEEL79 is interested in platform diversity.

Q: Are there any plans to create a PS4 version of WoWS?

워쉽 PS4판을 낼 계획이 있는가?

A: We are interested in all platforms, but there are no plans that we can share for now.
A.우리는 모든 플랫폼에 관심이 있다.하지만 지금 공개할 정도로의 계획은 없다.

Erik_Aukan has trouble paying his bills in the game…

Q: Do you plan to improve the economy (repair costs) and game modes, to encourage players to play less passive and be less afraid of high repair bills?
Q.높은 수리비 같은 인겜 경제와 게임모드를 개선할 계획이 있는가?

A: Yes. We definitely plan to expand the number of activities, for which players receive rewards after battle, in order to encourage aggressive tactics and reward team play.

A.그렇다. 우리는 적극적이고 팀 플레이 게임을 장려하기위해서 전투 후 보상 시스템을 확장할 계획을 가지고 있다.


mea0w is wondering about Team Battles and where they have gone.

Q: The population of Team Battles thinned out dramatically at the end of the pilot season. What changes do you plan to make to make them more interesting and rewarding?

Q.팀배틀에 관한 보상과 좀더 관심을 가지게 할 생각이 있는가?

A: There are several major problems with Team Battles we discovered after release (thanks to all the players for their feedback). Currently we cannot discuss the future of this mode. Let’s wait for its next version at least on the super test (More information will be shared on the Portal when the developers are ready to share anything).
nibloke wants to pimp their ship up.

A.팀배틀 모드가 풀리고 나서 몇몇 문제를 발견했다.지금은 향후 계획을 말하기 어렵다.언젠가 포럼이나 슈퍼테스터에게 정보가 풀리게 되면 그때 알게 될것 이다.

Q: Will we ever see cosmetic adjustments for our ships, like having your own flags, choosing your own colours, putting your own names/numbers on your ships and so on?
Q.배에 번호나 이름,깃발을 내가 커스텀하는 날이 오는가?
A: Probably, because this part of the game is currently being discussed internally. This is not our top priority, but surely it would be a nice feature to have.

현재 그 부분에 관해서 논의가 오가고 있다.아직 최우선과제는 아니지만 확실히 재밌을 것 같다.

Cmdr_Kouta wants to customise his carrier.

Q: Is it going to be possible in the future to select custom carrier loadouts, similar to selecting ammunition in World of Tanks?
Q.월탱처럼 무장이나 항모 편제(?)같은걸 바꿀수 있게 하게끔 만들건가?

A: For now we’re planning to stick with preset loadouts.

MadMike82 asks about rewarding skilled gameplay.

Q: Currently there are no rewards for performing useful manoeuvres that support teamplay, like spotting enemies with destroyers, and it is also only barely worth it to provide AA cover to battleships. Are there any rewards and changes planned in this regard, to encourage teamplay?

Q.현재 구축함의 적 정찰이나 대공우산 역할 등의 대한 보상이 없다.팀 플레이를 장려하기 위한 보상이나 변경할 계획이 있는가?
A: Yes, we’re planning to do this in one of the upcoming updates.
A.그렇다.곧 다음 업데이트에 추가할 것.

Cayden_Cailean asks about tech-trees.

Q: Are there any plans to divide the BB tech trees into battlecruisers and battleships and do the same with the cruisers, dividing them into light and armoured ones?
Q.경/중순 분리하는 것 처럼 전함도 순양전함과 전함트리를 분리 할 것인가?

A: There are some plans to work on the existing tech-trees and probably re-organise some branches, but we are not going to add new in-game classes for now.
A.아마 몇몆 트리문제를 해결하고 기존 테크트리를 재조정 할 예정이다.하지만 아직 새트리로 나눌 생각은 없다.

틀린 부분이 많음. 되도록 영어원문을 읽어라.

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