디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

해석 좀.. ^^

^^ 2006.04.28 14:57:29
조회 152 추천 0 댓글 9

^^ 안녕하세요. Read the story below and then answer the questions that follow it. Every knows that animals eats plants. There is nothing unusual about that. But have you heard about plants that eat animals? Let's discover where some of them live and how they get their food. 1. Growing in the wild only along the coast of North and South Carolina is a plant with unusual eating habits. It is called the Venus's-flytrap and  grows well in the sunny weather that Carolinas enjoy most of the year. The best places to see it are in marshy areas where the soil is poor. This does not matter to the Venus's flytrap. It is different from most plants because it does not rely on its roots to supply the food it needs. The Venus's-flytrap grows to a height of about twelve inches and has little white flowers. Each of its leaves has a hinge running down the middle with a row of tiny spines along each side. When an insect lands on one of them, the leaf snaps shut, trapping the creature inside like a prisoner behind bars. 2. The center of each leaf is a rich red color. To a fly this looks like raw meat, which is exactly what flies like to feed on. The plant also has a sweet smell that attracts other insects. The Venus's-flytrap is not finicky, eating whatever it can catch. This includes different kinds of insects, ants and even small frogs or lizards. Once attracted by the smell, an insect coming closer has no idea of the danger it is in. Seeing what looks like fresh meat, it lands, and  the leaf snaps shut. The insect is trapped. The more it struggles, the tighter  it is held. The plant then stars to digest its meal. It does this in much the same way your stomach breaks down the food you eat. In a week to ten days, the plant has absorbed everything it needs. The leaf then opens and  discards what is left. 3. You do not have to go to North or Sourth Cafolina to see these interesting plants. You can grow them yourself at home. A nursery will selll you young plants. The Venus's flytrap plant will thrive in a goldfish bowl of large glass jar. Place a few inches of wet moss mixed with sand in the bottom of the bowl and cover the roots of the plant with it. keep the temperature around seventy-five degrees during the summe months. In winter, move the plant to a cooler spot, around forty degrees. Make sure the sand mixture stays moist during the growing season. Water it a littel each day instead of letting it get dry and then soaking it. Rainwater is better than water from the tap. To feed the Venus's-flytrap, drop a couple of live ants or small insects into the container form time to time. Keep it covered so that the insects cannot escape, and keep it in a place where it gets plenty of light. Then watch what happens. Answer each of the following questions in a sentences. If a question does not have a vocabulary word, use one in your answer. Use each word only once. All ten words from Word List 5 will then appear either in a question or in an answer. Word List 5 : contain(er)  digest  finicky  habit  hinge  marsh(y)  nursery  rely(iable)  spine  thrive 1. Is the Venus's-flytrap finicky about where it grows in the wild? Explain your answer. 2. What details in the story suggest that the Venus's-flytrap would not thrive in a cold, cloudy climate? 3. Why is the Venus's-flytrap able to live in poor marshy soil? 4. Where else besides the Carolinas can you find Venus's-flytrap plants? 5. Which part of the plant does the Venus's-flytrap depend on for its food? 6. What do a door and a Venus's-flytrap leaf have in common? 7. What are the spines of a Venus's-flytrap for? 8.In what way are humans and Venus's-flytrap plants alike? 9. What makes a suitable container for a Venus's-flytrap? 10. What should you remember to do each day to care for your Venus's-flytrap? 4.nursery  5.rely  6.hinge  8.digest  10.habit ?  

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