디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

토플에서 이거 영작 몇점 나올것 같나요?

... 2006.06.02 07:38:40
조회 182 추천 0 댓글 1

주제는 음악이 국가나 사회, 문화에 있어서 어떤 차이가 있나.... 블라 블라 블라... 보시는데로 평가해주시길 부탁해요. Music plays a hugely important role in the definition of a culture in a particular society. As we already know, there are several kinds of different styles of music according to the era and place. For example, in the early 1920's of the United States, jazz was the main stream and in the 50's Rock and Roll took its place. In regard of the place, it is very easy to tell when we listen to a music whether it is from Arabia or China or Europe. Certainly, music does play a great role in the culture of a community.      European music is clearly very different from that of Japan or China. if we are told to mention some examples of European music, we would certainly say Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi, Chopin, etc. European music has been developed with the companion of a very important institution, the Catholic Church. Since the Greagorian chant style, the Catholic church was very involved in the making of music. In fact, even during the Renaissance and Enlightenment Italy, Antonio Vivaldi composed tons of music scores for the church. Mozart was not an exception either. His so famous Requiem is a score dedicated to a funeral mass. Thus, European music is very characterized for its deep religious (christian) root.      However, music in other parts of the world are also closely related to religion. Korea, Japan and China, and without forgetting the middle East, were bound to religion as so did the Europeans. Arabian music is dedicated to Allah and Korean, Japanese and Chinese music are also related to Buddhism, Shintoism and Shamanism. In summary, music illustrates how people express their feelings for a particular god, subject or tradition in their own ways. This is more evident in our present time. Whenever we see a man dressed extravagantly with many steel chains and necklaces with bracelettes in a punky fashion, we tend to think of Hip-Hop. Another popular style is heavy metal and rock which is very wide-spread in Germany now. Proabably the bitter memories of socialism in the eastern part and the difficult re-unification facilitated the rise of a heavy music.     To sum up, it is really true that music is deeply related to almost every aspect of a sociery. Musical preferences change according to age, culture, and the social environment.Therefore, it is not a matter of coincidence that music differs so much in many places since it is the individual (or cultural) creativity the responsible of its creation.

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