디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

제가 에세이 쓴 건데 제발 한번만 봐주세요. ㅠㅠ

ㄹㄹ 2006.07.22 00:14:29
조회 251 추천 0 댓글 15

틀린 거나 부족한 거 있으면 지적해주세요... ㅠㅠ <성공은 운과 관계 없다?> Most of us wish a success very much and make an effort to success. Some are say, "A person, who has a fortune, will success in life." really? When we question how they have what they want, success people told us that good fortune is mine. Which they success with good fortune merely or good fortune is a result of their hard work? I think the latter is right. Because good fortune come to people who are ready to acquire it. When it was given to someone who were worthy of a VIP, the seat was distingushied. For instance, President Lincoln or Roosvelt ,who are respected, didn't simply work with good fortune. They didn't give up and was types of the effort to advance. Lincoln had lived in obcurity his life for consecutive failure before he was elected President of the United States. If he had thought like a normal person, he eventually would have given way to despair and maybe he had lived as a defeated person. But Lincoln gain the voters' confidence and finally won the President's election. Of course, privided you see only that he was elected, he may a guy of the good fortune. However, It is reasonable that results which he achieved as President is regarded as by his continuous endeavour than good luck. It is so difficult what become a "wonderful" President by the only fortune. He declared the Civil War to give the freedom to the African American. At last, the South team which Lincoln led won the North team. It is scarcely that People form conclusions it was pure chance by the Goddess of  luck. I see that because righteousness was based on practice his victory was possible. Lincoln fought, studied and did his best to do away with the discrimination and accomplish the goodness. Therefore, the triumph is not a chance but inevitability and the Goddess of luck want to be on his side automatically. There is a proverb "Heaven help the one do one's best." Good fortune isn't given by itself. "Chance" visits a person who reflect on his conduct ceaselessly and substitute chance for good fortune. In the end his effort result from success.

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