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갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

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고갤러(211.198) 2023.11.01 19:47:10
조회 74 추천 0 댓글 0

you know they also lead with a jab or cross or jab cross but if someone is randomly coming to uppercut you you just got me in a face

so it still can work right if i stand here and you want upcoming i'm gonna just you know and you know prefer this

on i just go and you know you pretty much slap him before his uppercut can threaten you

so it still works now let's look a bit further what if

i do a circular hand and he evaded and then comes back with a punch

in that case you will do the next move which is schreijen it will be something

like this he moves back and then then and after that

it will still be the same hand and the same time so this doesn't change just one extra

motion try again i think some of you might think okay now you're really adding more

cures so it's becoming more complex but do remember mushing combat has five fundamental

hands strike pi

and so far other than circular head itself i've been only using the five

fundamental hands right this is the circular hand but this is pi jump this is the second

of the five hands and this is plenty of the fifth of the five hand i haven't been actually

using anything other than the five fundamental technique and when you do push in convey

you practice these five fundamental techniques so you should be if you're when you do a

practitioner you should be quite proficient in things so i'm not adding anything completely

different this is circular hand into one of the most brilliant batter technique that will know where practitioners

already supposed to master okay and again so

if he ducks my circular i'm sorry or evie back my second hand and if i put that hand

the other hand what do i do exactly the same thing and then store the same and store the

same you see again i don't need to have different solutions once this mix

all i need to do is do this and do that and no matter which hand he's going to

come at me it's going to be the same it's going to work and again if i do he ducks back you come back with

the hook it's still the same except i know if i'm here

and i hit him there then i'm gonna slap him back instead of trying to do a straight uh punch but this is again

still circular hand i'm still not using any other technique no it is just just circular hand

tried pyjama circular hand again i'm repeating the same moves

and if i do this and he ducks back and try and hook me with that hand then i'm gonna try it out into his face

and then stop the same thing and of course if he's faster than what i'm able to do i'm just

going to come back here and try down this way see the same thing i haven't changed

at all and if i for example does this

and then he ducked back and then he come back with a hinge and then i like hook whatever and i

can't just hear a pie jump and over here you know i can't do a mid punch i just i can just come back

for the face like this and that might look different to the mid punch but it's still the same momentum i'm

still doing i'm so doing this or that so it's still the same line of

motion i'm not doing something completely different to what i have been doing so far

so from this you should be able to see why this is more like boxing because i'm only repeating a few moves

like you know it's almost like your jab cross hook and uppercut there's no complication there's no

specific positioning that i require the guy to be before i can apply the tip technique i probably don't care what he

hit up and i'm just repeating this thing myself i'm just doing this and if i miss what i'm gonna do i'm

gonna do this again i can literally find a guy obviously

this would be not uh you know representative of a highly skilled uh uh practitioner right

let's just say i'm like a low level one i just keep repeating this right we are fighting websites i'm gonna do this and

this doesn't matter i'm gonna try to try it again and i'm gonna do this again you know i'm gonna try to do this do

that it doesn't work and i'm gonna come back i can keep repeating this just like amateur

or beginner boxes so just you know keep throwing punches that isn't optimal it isn't in the right

position angle but they can keep doing it i'm told they connect whereas the other styles they

require specific techniques they can't just keep spamming these sam move all over until it works

because they need to get into that specific situation for that specific thing to work which is why

a lot of these people in my experience when they fight against boxers or standard any of the more modernized combat people

they just don't break apart because the moment the other guy isn't responding like he's

you know kung fu brothers and not doing the same block and the same response they don't know what to do

anymore it's completely foreign land the moment you know in the system among themselves

they are used to being there doing that you know users and he's different in the blog

and you know it's like and then he's gonna blog i'm gonna you know do wastelands so youtube people with the exact correct

response the moment they find someone that's gonna jump around and punch him and then try to kick him

then they shouldn't break apart and their mind freeze their blanks out and they get beaten up and that's pretty much what happened to

everyone who came up against shisha no and other standard guys in the past five

years or also century along become famous in china that pretty much why all of them fail because

they system relies on specific response from the other guy but if a chinese water assistant doesn't

rely on that like what that is showing in tombe it relies on fundamental

moves that works almost on anything and if i do this you know i can also do

that and then do another i'll just circular hand this way and then try to go a different way but no matter what i'm doing

it's always the same technique and i can even do a circular hand here and do that but

that's still no circular hand and pie jar i'm not doing anything besides so you

can have pyjama shredder it's full bowling block like legos i'm just

rearranging them and forming combos essentially

all right um what's your experience like you know that makes sense uh

yeah so well i've been thinking about this for a long long time okay and yes

um and it took me like i think three four years to find the right word

uh it's called dominant strategy for those of you who's uh not familiar with the term you more

than welcome to google it's basically uh think of it as a master key to old

blogs so yes so to sum it up um from chris chris's experience up until

now can't guarantee in the future maybe you'll find something new yeah maybe but yes hopefully you will actually it has

been a very very exciting ride actually for me at least um yeah so up until now

what chris is saying is that up until now the tone-based system that he's practicing

right now is the best dominant strategy there is it's wonderful right i think it's like a

powers each one and some really rare young style and some really rishi people but you

know it's only a few that i think are on the same level and those thought if you look at them like ichi oshini or whatever

they'll be similar not the same technique but similar idea where they're not relying on a specific response it's one

thing that works on anything that you can do right yeah yeah

so uh yeah so so yeah so um so so basically all these long talks and

demonstrations it's just to show that like you know writes out the best solution that chris managed to find

one that he's most familiar with is combat so yeah it's just strong basis that can

that that can fix it though so yeah like i have no i just have a burden of remembering all the techniques

i'm trying to choose the right one you know now it's like i don't really care

if this one if i'm in the boarding block if i if i touch his arm i will cause his balance to break so

i'm more confident on what i'm gonna do right when i was doing mental

specifically you know i'm not sure if i catch that long if i can't catch that arm you know then my plans are going to work i have another

plan it's just it's more tiring and mentally stressful now i'm just going to my i'm going to

talk with these are once it collides you know magic is going to happen right that's other thing what this is

the the way you apply a circular hand it doesn't mean that any of what is different can apply it because you have to have

the correct body mechanics and power generation right i mean just now when he's doing those things he wasn't faking it or

exaggerating it right if you've got his arm here understand others for better balance

right and i'm going to apply you know a circular hand with the spinning

rotation force that is the response he's gonna get he's not i'm perfectly

throwing himself over right no it is just the way it feels yeah

and you know if i'm here and he does like a hook and that uses

that too right you feel the pull yes he's not like he's he's exaggerating and you have to have

this enough power for the star to work obviously just simply no doing this and doing that

but if the guy punches you know like a hook right and you do this then that's just this

particular you know approach obviously it's not going to work so we should come back the one i've i'm learning now

it's built on the fact that you have this power generation that when someone's doing a punch

i'm gonna be able to to have that kind of force to break his balance or that he's doing

with the other hand i'm gonna be able to to have that kind of force to

to do that and that's what makes this kind of style work well in fact that's what makes all the

internal style work whether it is

the reason they can afford to have more simplicity in the approach to combat because they have superior body mechanic

i always got the same story about you know the shiny master guru user he's just um to be everybody that he

ever met he he can afford to do that with his bonuses it's got great body mechanics if

you try to block it you get pushed back you try to get it to the side you can't if you hit you

you fall back and that's another fight so you know you know origin is almost

like tyson in a way obviously i've never a single engine alive and he died

like a long time ago but you know the description hit you once you drop so he's you can

imagine almost like tiresome that's why i keep saying the internal styles their mindset is more like boxing

that it is like this conventional traditional chinese martial art where you have complicated technique that you know it's almost like one ring

into another coming to accompany a combo instead it's all about simplicity

you have a few moves that you practice a lot have great body mechanics and you know no matter what happens if

attached is on something's going to happen right if i touch those arms i'm going to happen if

he's coming from there he's gonna do that between that hand it's the same

but whatever arm i get or even you know if he's coming from the other side

something right now there you see it's like it doesn't matter anything i'm doing i'm using the same

body mechanic and i'm only restricting my self to a few techniques

so that i can a perfect body mechanic and b be clear of any mental strength i just

rearrange them to deal with anyone that i find so that's pretty much why i believe the combat

that i'm practicing is better than majority of the chinese traditional martial arts that stop believing in 800 b behind a c

and highly specific need for a specific situation right are the

well insurance you know one one thing that uh you know quite important that i just want to put it out

there is that um in order for this dominant strategy to work or

actually internal style in general you need to have the strength and not

just muscle strength but not that at all actually it's the internal training that you need you can go ahead

and watch this video and you know try to apply the same move on the real fight or even a fake fight

and without the internal training right or the understanding of how the force has been generated it's

not going to work so so so yeah so that's just one thing that i want to put it out there

is that um if you do the same movements as what you see chris

doing and it didn't work it's not same because it's not saying that the style

fail it could be that you simply don't have the internal training

to to make it work yes it's just like you see tires and not people out was you know it was rough shocked doesn't

mean you can do it yes if you have these power you know then yeah and the guys are gonna get knocked out

but if you don't it's not because the rip shot itself is wrong you haven't done it correctly but let me

just have a fine line between when is that you haven't trained enough when is it actually the style is

not actually going to work but i just have a fun line there and it took me years to realize

how to judge you know at one point in my life like you know around

2004 2005-ish

i just think that you know the way i learned manchester this is the world if i train hard enough

i just think that when we're not going to catch that guy's hand right i'll do it for faster dude i usually like when i couldn't have a

guy's hand i didn't trend wide enough right if i train better faster eventually i'm able to catch his

head all the time but you know eventually i kind of realization that this is the limitation that you can't

surpass given the limitation of physics right saying the last video do the height

velocity the height you know high voltage collision which tends to bounce over and the randomness of the height of his

hand and and how specific you have to able to grab the hand the limitation that eventually i realized

the technique itself has a limitation not know that i have been trending enough you know unless you are like flash right

you have faster speed than everyone else otherwise a lot of these things suddenly doesn't work another example is

working behind someone no matter how hard you trend unless you have the speed force you're

not going to be able to take a two step back when somebody has time to do one time that is simply

not possible so there's things that simply doesn't work but there are also things that worse if you train hard

enough like you know like like cousins workshop and he can drop people with a body shot majority of bosses

can't and that's because he does it better so so it's hard to tell just definitely

it's not something that you can just learn from watching my videos but just do know that there are times where style just doesn't work at this

time where you training that hasn't reached that level yet and it takes years of experience

to be able to tell which is which anything else that's it all right so i you enjoyed

this video and obviously you know there will be people who are offended by this video which is fun because you know my channel is about

talking the truth is the truth that i see it and whenever you know you try to tell truth you're going to get upset

just like you know if i say earth is around the flat earth are gonna get upset when i say that earth is a few billion

years old you know the young earth people are gonna get upset so we're on the debate of truth they're always gonna be people who are

not agreeing on the whole offender so that is fine however if you have any constructive

argument or conversation i'm very happy to engage but constructed by me you can lay out

evidence and logical process right if you just say my master is better than you therefore it works

that's a dumb argument and i will not waste my time on stuff like that but if you actually want to discuss this

in a civil and logical manner then always feel free to contact me so again i hope you enjoyed the video if

you do please subscribe on my youtube channel make sure you click on the bell so you'll get updates when i upload a new video

if you can you know support me on patreon that'll greatly be appreciated and give a shout out to all my patreon

supporters thank you guys so much for supporting me and always feel free to message me for any suggestions or questions or current

content or suggestions for future content so thanks so much for watching try smart

channel keep safe out there we still have pandemic third waves now fascinating stuff if you can if you

can't stay away from people right stay safe stay healthy and i'll see you next time

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1843254 죽고싶다 고갤러(1.231) 23.11.21 46 0
1843253 5년만난 여친있는데 [1] 고갤러(106.102) 23.11.21 96 0
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