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갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

Auto Exposure?

IQ137(211.209) 2023.06.05 13:09:34
조회 38 추천 0 댓글 0

Auto Exposure is an image processing technology used in digital cameras and video cameras that automatically adjusts exposure time to maintain an appropriate level of illumination. Automatic exposure helps to adjust the exposure value of the camera according to changes in the illumination of the shooting environment to obtain the correct level of brightness.

Automatic exposure is mainly used to select the appropriate exposure value depending on the illumination of the target. In general, the camera measures the brightness of the target to determine the exposure value, which uses an illumination measurement sensor or an image sensor. The illuminance measurement sensor measures ambient illuminance and passes the corresponding value to the camera, which calculates the appropriate exposure value.

Automatic exposure is primarily used in the following exposure modes:

Auto Exposure Program: The camera measures illumination and automatically selects the optimal exposure value. The user mainly focuses on the target, and the camera sets the appropriate exposure value.

Aperture Priority: The user selects the aperture value manually, and the camera automatically selects the appropriate exposure value for that aperture value. In this mode, you can adjust the depth effect by adjusting the amount of light according to the aperture value.

Shutter Priority: The user selects the shutter speed manually and the camera automatically selects the appropriate exposure value for that shutter speed. In this mode, the movement can be controlled by the shutter speed.

Manual Exposure: The user directly selects the aperture value and shutter speed to set the exposure value. In this mode, the user has complete control and no automatic measurement of illumination is made.

Automatic exposure helps you get a bright and clear image by selecting the appropriate exposure values under various conditions depending on your shooting environment. In addition, some cameras offer multiple exposures, high dynamic range (HDR), exposure correction and more, providing a wider range of illumination control options.

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