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갤러리 본문 영역

Why have languages been changed?

신이두빌런(14.50) 2023.05.18 21:31:59
조회 136 추천 0 댓글 1

영어 판본 스코트어에서 번역 진행은 시간날때마다 함

이 다음은 순화 스코트어와 욜라어

In the world, there are a lot of languages. Even if there are tuft of languages,

aw o them have equally been changed from their ancestral languages.

The language change - All of the languages which are spoken today have experienced it.

Their grammatic systems are different from, and their phonological systems are not similar to

their own ancestors.

But, finding the reason why they started to be changed is not easy.

To understand this, we need to delve into the history of Scots language.

Some Scots language related organisations an activists started to purify the language since late 19th century.

So, it sometimes makes some people have a misunderstanding that Scots language is less influenced by French

beccause Scotsland is far from France geographically.

But, if ye really think so, it is completely wrong.

The oldest record in Scots language is "The Bruce", and we can find it out that there are a lot of French loanwords

in "The Bruce"

Even if, there is a significant number of native Germanic words including "suithfast", 'veracious'.

it just can be that there were still several Germanic word not replaced with French loanwords.

However, even at that time, Scots language was experiencing the influx of French loanwords.

So, the Scots language had a lot of French loanwords, especially written Scots had so many French loanwords

as English today.

Then, there is a question: why modern Scots has less French an Latin loanwords than middle Scots?

The answer is easy. Scots activists tried to purify the language from late 19th century.

There are good examples: the Nishbet Murdoch new testament written in 15th century

and the William Smith new testament in Braid Scots written in 19th century.

The William Smith version has really less French loanwords than the Nishbet Murdoch version

even though it was wrote much later than the Nishbet Murdoch version.

Sae, it is obvious that some Scots activists started to purify the language from late 19th century.

In othrt words, if you make a conclusion that Scots was less influced by French because of the geography of Scotland

just comparing modren Scots and modern English, it is a wrong answer.

And it shows why finding the reason of language changes only looking at the appearance of a language today is dangerous.

It can be that the reason why modern English has tuft o French loanwords.

If French ruling is the only factor which is important, why does modern Welsh not have many French loanwords?

It also means that there is no a single factor can explain anything.

The invasion of William I was just one of multiple factors which made English adopt a lot of French loanwords.

Even the records o Yola language shows that the Yola language had a huge amount of French an Latin loanwords,

an it shows that adopting French loanwords has really long history and language purification attempt has been appeared rather recently.

The fact that one factor can have multiple results can be the obstacle in tracing back the reason of the language changes.

If we think about languages with several records, even thinking something like this is also possible:

Since the reasons of one language change can be multiple, so if you try to trace back the reason of language changes of a langugage

which its ancestor poorly recorded can be just an imagination.

In conclusion, why a language has been changed like the form spoken today is hard tae find as there can be multiple factors

why it has been changed to the form spoken today.

Sometimes, some speakers of the language can try to recover a lot of features o the language have already disappeared.

So, finding the reason why a language has been changed to the form spoken today is impossible

without the records of the ancestor languages, an tracing back the ancestor forms of languages do not have records

of their ancestors is really difficult.

as there can be a lot of reason why a language has been changed to the form spoken today.

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