디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

버클리 대학원 까는인간들 나가죽어라!!

뜨악(76.171) 2011.06.10 03:49:23
조회 340 추천 0 댓글 8

U.S. News has just released its rankings of graduate school programs at universities across the country. About half of the disciplines have new rankings this year while the other half are from last year or the year before.

Many posters here on CC think of Princeton primarily as an undergraduate institution. They see the absence of professional schools of law, medicine and business as indicating a weaker graduate program. Princeton\'s focus is not on professional schools (with the exception of the Woodrow Wilson School and the School of Architecture) but its graduate programs leading to PhDs in the humanities and sciences are among the best in the country.

U.S. News offers its analysis of the strength of many of the core PhD programs in the humanities and sciences, including Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Economics, English, History, Mathematics, Physics, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology.

Among these core disciplines, only the following schools have programs that rank among the top fifty institutions for all twelve. Their average scores for these twelve basic programs in the sciences and humanities are as follows (on a scale of 1.0 to 5.0) :

Score Institution

4.8------------Berkeley and Stanford

4.6------------Harvard and Princeton

4.4------------U. of Mich and Yale

4.3------------Columbia and U. of Chicago

4.2------------Cornell, UCLA and U. of Wisconsin-Madison

4.0------------UT Austin

3.9------------Duke, Northwestern and UC San Diego

3.8------------U. of Minn. and U. of Washington

3.7------------Penn State

3.6------------Ohio State, Indiana U., UC Davis and U. of Maryland

No other schools ranked within the top 50 programs in all twelve basic disciplines

Number of Programs
in the Top
Ten Nationally
Out of 12 Ranked

12----------Berkeley and Stanford
6-----------Columbia, U. of Chicago and U. of Michigan
4-----------Cornell and UCLA
3-----------Northwestern and U. of Wisconsin
2-----------Duke, U. of Minnesota and UT Austin
1-----------Penn State, UC San Diego and U. of Washington

Number of Programs
in the Top
Five Nationally
Out of 12 Ranked

10----------Harvard and UC Berkeley
4-----------U. of Michigan and Yale
3-----------U. of Chicago
1-----------UCLA and U. of Wisconsin

Number of
Programs Ranked
Number 1 in the Nation
(out of 12)

6-----------UC Berkeley
1-----------U. of Chicago and Yale

그리고 아래에 어떤 ... 인간이 ^^.... 버클리 대학원이 공대밖에 내새울게 없다던데.. 쩌리 인증이냐
버클리 대학원 전공 하나 제외한 모든 전공이 10위안에 든다 ^^ 
외갤러들 정보력 딸리고 입만 나불나불하는거 인증 제대로~~~~~~~~ 

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