디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

vhdl 오류좀 도와줘유

소나비(220.67) 2010.12.20 18:19:22
조회 59 추천 0 댓글 3

library IEEE;

---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
---- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;

entity locker is
clk, rst : in std_logic;
input : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
G : in std_logic;
Stop : in std_logic;
comp : in std_logic;

seg_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
seg_sel : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));

end locker;

architecture Behavioral of locker is

type state_type is (IDLE, state0, state1, state2, state3, err, success);
signal state, next_state : state_type;
signal C, Op : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal judgment : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal check_out : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal key_save, key_save2, key_save3, key_save4 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal key_next_save, key_next_save2, key_next_save3, key_next_save4 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal key_comp, key_comp2, key_comp3, key_comp4 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal key_next_comp, key_next_comp2, key_next_comp3, key_next_comp4 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal sgselector, segout : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal j, k, l : std_logic;



seg_out <= segout;
seg_sel <= sgselector;

process(clk, rst)
if clk\'event and clk = \'1\' then
if rst = \'1\' then
state <= IDLE;
state <= next_state;
key_save <= key_next_save;
key_save2 <= key_next_save2;
key_save3 <= key_next_save3;
key_save4 <= key_next_save4;
key_comp <= key_next_comp;
key_comp2 <= key_next_comp2;
key_comp3 <= key_next_comp3;
key_comp4 <= key_next_comp4;

end if;
end if;
end process;

process(state, next_state, C, Op, judgment, G, C, comp, stop)
case state is
when IDLE => if G = \'1\' then
next_state <= state0;
next_state <= IDLE;
end if;

when state0 => --set_key
case C is --setting key is complete : "11";--
when "100" => next_state <= state1;
when others => next_state <= state0;
end case;
when state1 =>
if comp = \'1\' then
next_state <= state2;
next_state <= state1;
end if;
when state2 =>
case Op is
when "100" => --comp_key setting up
next_state <= state3;
when others => next_state <= state2;
end case;
when state3 => case judgment is
when "00" => next_state <= state3;
when "01" => --error
next_state <= err;
when "10" => --success
next_state <= success;
when others => next_state <= state3;
end case;
when err => --error
if Stop = \'1\' then
next_state <= IDLE;
next_state <= err;
end if;
when success => --success
if Stop = \'1\' then
next_state <= IDLE;
next_state <= success;
end if;
when others => next_state <= IDLE;
end case;

end process;

datapath_func : process(clk, C, Op, state, j, k, l, judgment, check_out)
if clk\'event and clk = \'1\' then
case state is
when IDLE => C <= "000";

check_out <= "00";
segout <= "00000000";
Op <= "000";
key_next_save <= "0000";
key_next_save2 <= "0000";
key_next_save3 <= "0000";
key_next_save4 <= "0000";
key_next_comp <= "0000";
key_next_comp2 <= "0000";
key_next_comp3 <= "0000";
key_next_comp4 <= "0000";

when state0 => case C is
when "000" => key_next_save <= input;
key_next_save2 <= key_save2;
key_next_save3 <= key_save3;
key_next_save4 <= key_save4;
C <= "001";
if key_save = "0000" then
C <= "000";

end if;
when "001" => key_next_save2 <= input;
key_next_save <= key_save;
key_next_save3 <= key_save3;
key_next_save4 <= key_save4;
C <= "010";
if key_save2 = "0000" then
C <= "001";
end if;
when "010" => key_next_save3 <= input;
key_next_save <= key_save;
key_next_save2 <= key_save2;
key_next_save4 <= key_save4;
C <= "011";
if key_save3 = "0000" then
C <= "010";
end if;
when "011" => key_next_save4 <= input;
key_next_save <= key_save;
key_next_save2 <= key_save2;
key_next_save3 <= key_save3;
C <= "100";
if key_save4 = "0000" then
C <= "011";
end if;
when "100" => key_next_save <= key_save;
key_next_save2 <= key_save2;
key_next_save3 <= key_save3;
key_next_save4 <= key_save4;
when others => key_next_save <= key_save;
key_next_save2 <= key_save2;
key_next_save3 <= key_save3;
key_next_save4 <= key_save4;
end case;

when state1 =>
when state2 => case OP is
when "000" => key_next_comp <= input;
key_next_comp2 <= key_comp2;
key_next_comp3 <= key_comp3;
key_next_comp4 <= key_comp4;
Op <= "001";
if key_comp = "0000" then
Op <= "000";
end if;
when "001" => key_next_comp2 <= input;
key_next_comp <= key_comp;
key_next_comp3 <= key_comp3;
key_next_comp4 <= key_comp4;
Op <= "010";
if key_comp2 = "0000" then
Op <= "001";
end if;
when "010" => key_next_comp3 <= input;
key_next_comp <= key_comp;
key_next_comp2 <= key_comp2;
key_next_comp4 <= key_comp4;
Op <= "011";
if key_comp3 = "0000" then
Op <= "010";
end if;
when "011" => key_next_comp4 <= input;
key_next_comp <= key_comp;
key_next_comp2 <= key_comp2;
key_next_comp3 <= key_comp3;
Op <= "100";
if key_comp4 = "0000" then
Op <= "011";
end if;
when "100" => key_next_comp <= key_comp;
key_next_comp2 <= key_comp2;
key_next_comp3 <= key_comp3;
key_next_comp4 <= key_comp4;
when others => key_next_comp <= key_comp;
key_next_comp2 <= key_comp2;
key_next_comp3 <= key_comp3;
key_next_comp4 <= key_comp4;
end case;

when state3 => if key_comp = key_save then
j <= \'1\';
judgment <= "00";
j <= \'0\';
judgment <= "00";
end if;

if j = \'1\' then
if key_comp2 = key_save2 then
k <= \'1\';
judgment <= "00";
k <= \'0\';
judgment <= "00";
end if;
judgment <= "01";
end if;

if k = \'1\' then
if key_comp3 = key_save3 then
l <= \'1\';
judgment <= "00";
l <= \'0\';
judgment <= "00";
end if;
judgment <= "01";
end if;

if l = \'1\' then
if key_comp4 = key_save4 then
judgment <= "10";
judgment <= "01";
end if;
judgment <= "01";
end if;


when err => check_out <= "01";
when success => check_out <= "10";
when others => check_out <= "10";
end case;
end if;
end process;

if clk\'event and clk = \'1\' then
if rst = \'1\' then
sgselector <= "01111111";
elsif sgselector = "11111110" then
sgselector <= "01111111";
sgselector <= \'1\' & sgselector(7 downto 1);
end if;
end if;
end process;

process(check_out, segout, sgselector)
if check_out = "00" then
if sgselector(7) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
elsif sgselector(6) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
elsif sgselector(5) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
elsif sgselector(4) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
elsif sgselector(3) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
elsif sgselector(2) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
elsif sgselector(1) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
elsif sgselector(0) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
segout <= "00000000";
end if;

elsif check_out = "01" then
if sgselector(7) = \'0\' then
segout <= "10001100";
elsif sgselector(6) = \'0\' then
segout <= "11111100";
elsif sgselector(5) = \'0\' then
segout <= "10001100";
elsif sgselector(4) = \'0\' then
segout <= "10001100";
elsif sgselector(3) = \'0\' then
segout <= "10011110";
elsif sgselector(2) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
elsif sgselector(1) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
elsif sgselector(0) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
segout <= "00000000";
end if;

elsif check_out = "10" then
if sgselector(7) = \'0\' then
segout <= "10110110";
elsif sgselector(6) = \'0\' then
segout <= "10011110";
elsif sgselector(5) = \'0\' then
segout <= "10011100";
elsif sgselector(4) = \'0\' then
segout <= "10011100";
elsif sgselector(3) = \'0\' then
segout <= "01111100";
elsif sgselector(2) = \'0\' then
segout <= "10110110";
elsif sgselector(1) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
elsif sgselector(0) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
segout <= "00000000";
end if;

if sgselector(7) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
elsif sgselector(6) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
elsif sgselector(5) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
elsif sgselector(4) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
elsif sgselector(3) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
elsif sgselector(2) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
elsif sgselector(1) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
elsif sgselector(0) = \'0\' then
segout <= "00000000";
segout <= "00000000";
end if;

end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
이것이 코드입니다.
maxIIplus 로 돌리는데 오류가 하나가 나네요
오류 내용은 segout 에 multiple source 나오는데 당최 못잡겠네요.

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갤러리 내부 검색
제목+내용게시물 정렬 옵션

오른쪽 컨텐츠 영역

실시간 베스트




